Enter Leave Taken Prior to Separation 





You must continue to use only the appropriate type of leave for the absence.


In lieu of any other appropriate leave type, enter LWPEO - Leave Without Pay: Employee Out. 


When you find you must use LWPEO for a separating employee, contact the HHS Employee Service Center because this person's check will likely need to be adjusted.


On the CAPPS portal home page, select the Manager Timesheet link.


A list of your direct reports displays.


For the Transaction Effective Date field, select the Calendar icon.


A calendar will display.


Accept the default date (which is the first of the month) or, the select date on which leave will be used. (Accepting the default date allows you to review the timesheet to see that other time and leave entries have been made.)


The date you select will populate the Transaction Effective Date field.


Select the Employee Name for whom you will enter leave.


That employee's timesheet displays.


Identify the leave types available to the employee. Select a leave type that is appropriate to the reason for the absence.


When you have a choice between the leave types, first use the type that will be lost by the employee if not used.


Enter a Time Reporting Code, or, select the Magnifying Glass icon to search for and select one.


Select the Time Reporting Code for the leave type that will be used.


For the date the leave was taken, enter the Amount of Leave Taken in hours and quarter hours.


Optionally enter information into the Comments field.


Comments are visible to employees. Comments are not to contain personal or medical information that is specific.


Select the E-Sign & Approve button.


The Save Confirmation page displays.


Select the OK button.


When a manager enters the leave, no further approval is required.


Enter leave taken by the employee prior to his or her separation (and any extra hours worked) before clearing employee leave. End.